Paywall for Podcasts

Hide podcasts behind a paywall

Use Zlick Paywall to hide your premium podcasts and only allow access to subscribers or people who purchase this specific podcast.

Test how the paywall works. If you have Google Pay or Apple Pay enabled in this browser, 1-click payments will be automatically enabled for you. For traditional card or mobile payments, use the following info. Full name: (424), Credit card: (4242 4242 4242 4242), CVC (242), Expiry (04/24), Phone: (00000010), PIN (5544).

Embed your podcast below to only allow paid users to access it. In our example, the button below will direct to an external podcast.

1 comment

  1. Test how the paywall works. If you have Google Pay or Apple Pay enabled in this browser, 1-click payments will be automatically enabled for you. For traditional card or mobile payments, use the following info. Full name: (424), Credit card: (4242 4242 4242 4242), CVC (242), Expiry (04/24), Phone: (00000010), PIN (5544).

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